Sunday Session FAR Capital

Event Date: 09/09/2023
Our properties in FAR Capital with 40% to 70% discounts and come with huge cashback
Our properties in FAR Capital with 40% to 70% discounts and come with huge cashback

Welcome to our exclusive webinar series designed to empower individuals like you with the knowledge and strategies needed to thrive financially.

While 2023 is our last year for Sunday Session, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with a recap of our latest segment for 2023. You can still benefit from the valuable insights and strategies shared during our past sessions.

What Sunday Session Was About?

Our Sunday webinar series offered a unique opportunity to dive into the world of financial investment education.

From exploring property investment opportunities to discussing debt reduction tactics and savings augmentation strategies, each session was designed to empower participants with actionable knowledge to enhance their financial well-being.

Faizul Ridzuan explained how to reduce your monthly commitment and fully settle your bad debt.
Faizul Ridzuan explained how to reduce your monthly commitment and fully settle your bad debt.

When This Event Was Held?

Held every Sunday at 9 PM throughout 2023, our webinar series provided a convenient platform for individuals to engage with industry experts and learn from their experiences.

This Event Was For Who?

Our webinar series was ideal for individuals of all backgrounds and levels of financial expertise especially those who want to seek guidance on property investment, debt reduction, and savings augmentation.

Thus, whether you’re a novice investor looking to learn the basics or a seasoned pro seeking advanced strategies, our sessions cater to a diverse audience interested in improving their financial literacy and success.

Who should join our Sunday Session
Who should join our Sunday Session

Key Takeaways

Participants in our Sunday webinar series walked away with a wealth of knowledge and practical insights to apply to their financial lives.

From understanding the nuances of property investment to learning effective debt management techniques, each session provided actionable takeaways to help attendees achieve their financial goals.

Below are some recaps of our main learnings from 2023:

Good Debt Vs Bad Debt

Difference between good debt vs bad debt
Difference between good debt vs bad debt

Debt – it’s a word that often carries negative connotations, but not all debt is created equal. In fact, understanding the difference between good debt and bad debt is crucial for achieving financial health and stability.

Let’s explore what sets these two types of debt apart and how you can leverage them to your advantage.

What is good debt? Good debt is debt that helps you build wealth or increase your net worth over time. It typically involves borrowing money to invest in assets that have the potential to appreciate in value or generate income.

Examples of good debt include: Mortgages. Taking out a mortgage to purchase a home is often considered good debt. Not only does homeownership provide a place to live, but it can also serve as a long-term investment that may appreciate in value over time.

What is bad debt? On the other hand, bad debt is debt that does not contribute to your financial well-being and may actually detract from it. Bad debt typically involves borrowing money for purchases that depreciate in value or do not generate income.

Examples of bad debt include:

  1. Credit card debt: Using credit cards to finance discretionary purchases or lifestyle expenses can lead to high-interest debt that’s difficult to repay. Carrying a balance on your credit cards can quickly spiral out of control and erode your financial stability.
  2. Consumer loans: Loans taken out for non-essential items like luxury goods, vacations, or electronics fall into the category of bad debt. While these purchases may provide temporary enjoyment, they often come with high-interest rates and little to no long-term value.
  3. Payday loans: Payday loans are short-term, high-interest loans typically used to cover emergency expenses. However, the exorbitant fees and interest rates associated with payday loans make them a poor choice for borrowers, often trapping them in a cycle of debt.
Comparison of all debt
Comparison of all debt

How to use debt wisely: While it’s important to avoid accumulating bad debt whenever possible, debt can be a valuable tool when used strategically.

Here are some tips for leveraging debt wisely:

  1. Invest in assets: Focus on borrowing money to invest in assets that have the potential to grow in value or generate income, such as real estate, stocks, or education.
  2. Manage interest rates: Be mindful of interest rates when taking on debt. Look for opportunities to refinance high-interest debt to lower your overall borrowing costs.
  3. Budget and plan: Create a budget and financial plan to ensure that you can afford to repay your debts on time. Make debt repayment a priority to avoid falling into a cycle of debt.
  4. Seek professional advice: Consider consulting with a financial advisor to developing a personalized debt management strategy that aligns with your goals and financial situation.

By understanding the difference between good debt and bad debt and using debt strategically, you can take control of your finances and work towards your financial goal. Remember, debt is a tool – it’s how you use it that determines whether it helps or hinders your financial goals.

3 criteria for buying property without losing money

Buying property is a significant financial decision that requires careful consideration to ensure you don’t end up losing money in the long run.

Whether you’re purchasing a home to live in, rent out, or sell for profit, there are three key criteria to keep in mind to safeguard your investment and financial stability.

3 criteria for ownstay
3 criteria for ownstay

Can stay, can rent & can sell: When selecting a property, prioritize options that fulfil the criteria of being suitable for staying, renting, and selling without incurring losses. Look for properties located in areas convenient to your workplace, places of interest, or social circles to enhance your quality of life and potential rental demand.

Ensure that the monthly rental income can cover at least 70% of your monthly instalments, minimizing the financial burden and maximizing your investment’s income potential. Additionally, opt for properties with strong resale value, allowing you to sell without loss whenever needed.

The 50-50 rule
The 50-50 rule

By adhering to these three criteria – ensuring stay, rent, and sell viability, prioritizing affordability and budgeting, and aiming for the lowest entry price and transaction costs – you can make informed decisions when purchasing property and safeguard your investment against potential losses.

Remember to conduct thorough research, seek professional advice when needed, and prioritize your long-term financial goals to make the most of your property investment journey.

Secrets to generating cashflow from property investment

Unlocking a steady stream of cashflow from property investment requires strategic planning, thorough research, and a keen understanding of market dynamics. At FAR Capital, we’ve identified four key secrets that enable us to consistently generate cashflow from our property investments.

Let’s delve into each of these secrets and explore how they contribute to our success:

How we ensure, our clients in FAR Capital always get cashflow
How we ensure, our clients in FAR Capital always get cashflow

1. Buy at the lowest price and finance wisely: Securing a property at the lowest possible price is the foundation of a profitable investment. By meticulously researching the market and negotiating effectively, we ensure that we acquire properties at competitive prices, maximizing our potential returns.

Additionally, financing at the lowest cost is crucial to minimize monthly repayments and enhance cashflow. We carefully evaluate financing options and seek out the most favorable terms to optimize our investment strategy. That’s why, in FAR Capital, we always offer properties that are 20% to 30% cheaper than the market price.

2. Conduct thorough research and homework: Before making any investment decision, conducting comprehensive research is paramount. We analyze market trends, rental demand, and potential rental yields to identify lucrative investment opportunities.

By understanding the rental landscape and available rental strategies, we can tailor our investment approach to maximize cashflow potential. Thorough homework ensures that we make informed decisions and mitigate risks associated with property investment.

3. Diversify rental options and segments: To maximize cashflow and minimize vacancy risk, we invest in properties with multiple rental options and cater to diverse rental segments. Whether it’s residential, commercial, or mixed-use properties, we leverage our portfolio’s flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions and tenant preferences. By offering a range of rental options, we can capitalize on various income streams and optimize our cashflow potential.

4. Make properties affordable to rent: Ensuring that our properties are affordable to rent is essential for attracting and retaining tenants. We carefully price our rental units based on market trends and tenant affordability, striking a balance between competitive pricing and maximizing rental income. By offering attractive rental rates, we can maintain high occupancy levels and generate consistent cashflow from our properties.

In conclusion, generating cashflow from property investment requires a strategic approach and adherence to key principles. By buying at the lowest price, conducting thorough research, diversifying rental options, and making properties affordable to rent, we can unlock the potential for sustainable cashflow and long-term success in the property market.

At FAR Capital, these secrets form the cornerstone of our investment philosophy, guiding us towards financial prosperity and growth in the dynamic world of property investment.

Our Client Success Story

FAR Capital Client Success Story: Haziq Rosman
FAR Capital Client Success Story: Haziq Rosman
FAR Capital Client Success Story: Ismail Rasib
FAR Capital Client Success Story: Ismail Rasib
FAR Capital Client Success Story: Tarmizi
FAR Capital Client Success Story: Tarmizi

How You Can Benefit from Us?

Although no future events are scheduled, you can still benefit from the valuable content shared throughout our blogs and social media. Whether you’re looking to brush up on a specific topic or delve deeper into a particular strategy, our archives are available to support your ongoing financial education journey.

While there are no immediate plans for future events, we encourage you to stay connected with us for updates and announcements.

Follow us on social media to be the first to know about upcoming webinars, workshops, and other educational opportunities. Your journey to financial success continues – and we’re here to support you every step of the way!

The main agenda of the event is to educate Malaysian on how they can reduce monthly commitment and use property to achieve the goal.

Not quite prepared yet?

Check out our free resources to get a head start on improving your financial well-being before your next step.

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