There's hope! You can start cutting your debt in half within a year.
Due to lack of financial information and knowledge, all income goes to paying monthly loans and debts
By understanding the differences, you can prioritize paying off high-interest debt first, saving you money in the long run.
Nearby MRT and a mall
Completed property
Commission earner, foreign income, and business owner friendly
Starts from only RM480,000
RM300 positive cashflow at best case scenario with up to RM120K cashback
Up to RM70K cashback with RM500 positive cashflow at the best-case scenario
Positive cash flow in the range of RM300 - RM900 excludes principle for the worst and best case scenario
RM120,000 cheaper.
Lowest price below RM400,000 per unit
Most two-bedroom units in this area are selling at an average of RM750,000, so we are purchasing at nearly a 50% discount. This is even cheaper than an auction!
Let other people pay your mortgage by using OPM Strategy (Other People's Money)
Buy Cheaper Properties than most people, and buy without capital
Buy better properties than most people
Buy property at a 30%-70% discount
Improve your cashflow from the rental that you get
How to Ensure You Don't Lose Money When Buying Property
Make sure the property that you buy meet this 3 criteria.
This will enable you to have multiple plans and alleviating concerns about making a long-term commitment.
Be smart. Take action today.