This is a guideline for those who want to their first house.

This is the ultimate guide for you, first home-buyers.

You wanted to Buy Your First Property, But scared of Making Wrong Decision?

or even Worse,
Lose More Money than you Should?

It’s common for property investor to make money for their first purchase.

But, why can’t you?

Buying Your First Property,
Require A lot of Work

But work without a proper “Strategy” Is just sailing in the sea without destination

So, how do you know whether you are ready or if you have a strategy to buy your first property?

First, Let Us Share Some of The Common Risks
That You Should Be Aware Of:

  • Losing Money: The worst case scenario of purchasing your first property is if you buy at the wrong price point, causing it to become bleeding property despite you’re trying to invest and make the commitment breakeven.
  • Wrong Property: You can’t make money if you buy a terrible property. What defines a bad property is when you buy without a proper research regarding location, rental yield, supply/demands and much more factors.
  • Unnecessary Expenditure: What causes a property to become ridiculously expensive is there are way too many unnecessary expenses like property agent high costs.

At FAR Capital, we advise our clients to start making money 'Right After' they buy their property.

We believe that everyone should become profitable Right After Purchase—not after 5 years, not even after 10 years.


Here is what happen when you follow these guideline

Meet our client, Syafiq
Syafiq Zulkifli successfully buy 3 properties without capital with basic income of RM4000. He also manage to paid off his car debt in less than 12 month
Meet our client, Amira
Bought 2 properties without using capital. One of the properties that Amira purchase gives a positive cashflow for RM1000 per month
Meet our client, William
William brought his first property at the age of 23 and within 12 months after becoming a client. His able to get RM100K cashback that can allow him to buy car or get married for free
Meet our client, Ismail Rasib

Ismail Rasib is Malaysian working in Singapore, purchased a 4-bedroom property through us and decided to rent out three of the rooms to the outsider.

Now, his home installment is covered by the monthly rental, and the best part is that he continues to generate a positive cash flow of approximately RM300 per month.

The reason why Shafiq, Amira, William, and Ismail manage to their first property with postive impact is because they understand the 3 secrets below. 

Rent Vs Buy:
50% Rule

Consider purchasing a property when your monthly rental covers more than 50% of the property's monthly installments.

Understand the cost to buy property

Ensure you have sufficient savings to buy a property and get ''Unfair Advantage'' deals, allowing you to buy property purchases without capital.

Buy property that meets 3 Criteria

Make sure that the the property that you want to buy have all these 3 criteria :
Lets learn how Shafiq, Amira, William, and Ismail buy their First Property
The first important questions:

When should you buy, or when you should rent


When your monthly rental exceeds the property's monthly installment by a minimum 50%, we normally advise the client to buy the said property.

The reason here is due to the fact :

1. The rental you are paying is close to covering the interest cost of the repayment.

2. Property values normally goes up over time especially if the rental can cover 50% of installment like this scenario.

3. And rental in 5-10 years will most likely becomes more expensive than today, while your installment normally remains the same or could even be lower over time.


When your monthly rental is 50% less than the property's monthly installment, it is recommended to continue renting.
This chart illustrates the monthly installment amounts
based on the house prices.
Fun fact: Do you know we have clients who are paying 20% to 30% in lower monthly instalments than what most people are paying?  :p

Lets continue and dive into how much cost needed for you to buy a property

The capital you need to have today to buy properties from developers, subsale or auction.

To buy properties from developers, subsale or auction.

You need to have at least RM70,000 savings in order to buy one property from subsale or auction! 


But there is a way for you to buy property without need to much savings.

Look at the property deals that we have as of today, these price advantage
you wont find anywhere else
Property Deal 1
RM100,000 Cashback
  • Nearby MRT and a mall

  • Completed property

  • Commission earner, foreign income, and business owner friendly

  • Starts from only RM480,000

Property Deal 2
Property Price Below RM290K
  • RM300 positive cashflow at best case scenario with up to RM120K cashback

  • Up to RM70K cashback with RM500 positive cashflow at the best-case scenario

  • Positive cash flow in the range of RM300 - RM900 excludes principle for the worst and best case scenario

Property Deal 3
Below RM400,000 In Dutamas Or Mont Kiara
  • RM120,000 cheaper.

  • Lowest price below RM400,000 per unit

  • Most two-bedroom units in this area are selling at an average of RM750,000, so we are purchasing at nearly a 50% discount. This is even cheaper than an auction!

With unfair advantage you can buy property without using any capital.

Here is what will you get when you have 'Unfair Advantage' when you buy properties :
You can stay for free by using OPM Strategy (Other People's Money)
You can buy cheaper properties than most people, and buy without capital
You can buy better and safer properties than most people, so that you dont lose money
You can buy property at a 20% below market
if you decided to not stay in the property that you bought, you can rent it out and it wont be major burden
Pay lower instalment than other buyers!

So, If you're considering buying a property, make sure that you have these advantages so you won't need to fork out your savings for the deposits.

I am still scared of making a big comitment. What if I lose money buying wrong property

This is normal for majority of property buyers, as they do not have any unfair advantage when they buy a property. When you have unfair advantage you'll enjoy the following 6 benefits :
You can stay for free by using OPM Strategy (Other People's Money)
You can buy cheaper properties than most people, and buy without capital
You can buy better and safer properties than most people, so that you dont lose money
You can buy property at a 20% below market
if you decided to not stay in the property that you bought, you can rent it out and it wont be major burden
Pay lower instalment than other buyers!
And lastly, you want to buy properties that wont lose money even when you dont stay in them and you have to rent them out. Which is why, we recommend all first time home buyers buy properties that meets the 3 criteria. 

Buying property is safe when you have unfair advantage and follow 3 criteria

How to Ensure You Don't Lose Money When Buying Property

Can Stay

Conveniently situated in proximity to your key points of interest, including work, family, and social activities.

Can Rent

Rental transaction for that property can cover a minimum of 70% of your monthly installments

Can Sell

Make sure you buy that property at the cheapest and you don't overpay
So why is the 3 criteria is important? it gives you more options and most importantly, ensure the property wont be a financial burden to you in the event your plans or goal, changes.

Such as :
You no longer want to stay in the property?
You can rent it out and it doesnt cost you more than RM1k per month.
You dont want the hassle of managing tenants?
If you buy below market, you can always sell below market and exit quickly.

P/s : Do you know some of our clients are buying properties at as high as 30% below market?
You are single today and wanting to buy a 3-4 bedroom for your future family?
No problem and in fact you can stay for free, just like our client Ismail who rent out all the other rooms and stayed for free!
When you buy good properties at the right prices
You have plenty of options, and you risk becomes much much lower.
How to make sure your property will always get tenanted? : Click here

That's it!

We have shared with you a guideline on how to spot undervalued property deals and how can you buy 30-50% cheaper than the market

Here are the Summary:

Rent Vs Buy:
50% Rule

Consider purchasing a property when your monthly rental covers more than 50% of the property's monthly installments.

Understand the cost to buy property

Ensure you have sufficient savings to buy a property and get ''Unfair Advantage'' deals, allowing you to buy property purchases without capital.

Buy property that meets 3 Criteria

Make sure that the the property that you want to buy have all these 3 criteria :
Wait... there's more. We have a bonus for you...
 Would you like is to help you to find a property that:
Require no capital
Gives you unfair advantages
Meets the 3 criteria
Stop paying rent and explore the possibility to stay for free!
Take the Leap! Don't stay the same – become a smart property owner like Ismail.
Fill in this form: and share where you are renting, and we'll send you a free ebook for more tips on property buying while helping you find property deals with no upfront capital.
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Why make someone else richer when you can own your property without using any capital? Take action today.
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